Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stock Intake Testing

All this heat lately has given me the idea to do some intake testing. Heat soak is the enemy! I had some extra hardware lying around from my failed brake duct project so I did my best to put it to good use. Note that I'm still using stock airbox with silencer deleted. I used 2 pieces of 3" PVC pipe from Home Depot Racing to replace the silencer in the fender well and I plugged the hole where the ram scoop goes in the engine bay.

I tested 3 different intake setups today:
- Foglight cover CLOSED
- Foglight cover OPEN
- Foglight cover open and ROUTED to airbox using aluminum ducting

Outside temperature was 34°C
The route I took was 5.3 kms long and about a 9 minute drive. Basically just a big square with 70 & 80 zones. I tried to keep vehicle speed and shift points consistent. I also tried to get the IAT heatsoaked to 45°C before starting.


Average temp while driving:
Closed: 41.0°C
Open: 39.1°C
Routed: 36.7°C

It looks like the routed intake wins hands down. The coolest part about my new intake setup is that it's modular -- the aluminum duct can be removed very easily for non-track days without having to rework any of the other parts. I drilled holes in the bottom of the aluminum duct to drain water just in case I left it in by accident. I might paint it black if I get some time. I hope this helps with the heat at SRTA tomorrow.